Although I started the book in December 2019, I will count my first step of my personal reading challenge as completed with Victoria Aveyard's King's Cage. As it is the third in the Red Queen series, I marked it off as "Part of a Series".

I will agree with many readers of this series in that the sequels do not quite live up to the first installment. I found the pace of the book to be a bit dragging. Although it was helped along by the multiple perspectives. The development of the depth of the characters, most notably Mare, Maven, and Evangeline, was the biggest strength in my opinion. The beginning was hard to get through due to the absolute anger in the writing. It was not uncalled for given the circumstances but made it a very heavy read. And throughout there was a lot of description of battle, which is simply not up my alley. Overall, I am looking to finish the series, but it will not be the top of my priority list.