"Where's the next big YA book series?" published by Hypable gives an intriguing perspective on the direction of YA fiction for the new decade. Coincidentally following a conversation I recently had with my sister, the author discusses the lack of a front running series that has taken the world by storm. Naming series' such as Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Divergent, which undeniably took over book stores, movie theaters, and other areas of media, the article notes how as of the end of 2019, a new obsession has yet to arise.
I, identified by most who know as a huge Harry Potter nerd, have unfortunately missed most of these waves of excitement. I only read the books in late elementary school, therefore unable to wait the months of anticipation for the next installment. I could do so with a few of the movies, and now the Fantastic Beasts saga, but altogether was too young to participate in the initial buildup. It took until the Hunger Games movies started coming out for me to read the books (turned off by the atrocious sound of the one-sentence summary) and other series' just didn't have as much of a hold to me for me to participate in the excitement. This is why I could fully get behind the perspective of Hypable's author.
Personally, I am hoping for Leigh Bardugo's novels, in particular Shadow and Bone which is in the works of a Netflix series. I could also see some form of twisted fairytale or fairytale retelling taking the spotlight. Plenty of both books and movies that fall into this category have come out in recent years, though none has really risen to the top in popularity.
Perhaps we readers shall be granted with this new craze in 2020, or maybe an already published series will gain new attention. Either way, there is no doubt that YA readers will continue visiting their local booksellers, whether for a highly anticipated midnight release, or just a Tuesday afternoon stroll.