Touring "my room" through some books...

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1. Nightstand - Currently Reading
Right now I am reading A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas. I am very much enjoying it, though my progress has been stalled by the school year. It was much easier to keep reading in my daily routine when I didn't have to set an alarm for the next morning!

2. Closet - Favorite Cover
This is something I have a really hard time picking one of so I will list a few. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro is one, I love the simple color scheme (that is also carried through the rest of the series) and how you get hints of several different scenes from the book.
I could not answer this question without acknowledging The Selection series. As a lover of pretty dresses, this is one of my favorites when it comes to covers, and The Heir has to be my favorite one. Between the elegant pose, the gorgeous soft gray color, and the stunning cut of the dress, I would be happy using it as artwork in my room.
Another favorite of mine is Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. I love how each of the trilogy incorporates the three amplifier creatures and the blue just beautifully balanced out the intense design.
3. Desk - Favorite Book Read for School
Discluding the play Twelve Angry Men, my favorite novel I read for school was The Magicians. In AP Literature for our final project, we had some freedom with what book to choose. Under the recommendation of my teacher (and my previous viewing of the first season of the TV show), I got to read The Magicians by Lev Grossman. It was one of the few books I had read at that point that was "adult" (as opposed to YA) but it still had the magic I crave in stories.

4. Window - Backyard Memories
The window in my room growing up looked out to our backyard, one of my favorite places. While reading Save the Date by Morgan Matson, I connected with Charlie through her adoration of her childhood home and the memories she kept there. I imagine the contentedness I feel when looking out that window is similar to how she would feel, especially when she got to celebrate her sister's wedding at that significant spot.

5. Nightlight - What I Read on a Bad Day
I am going to skip over the obvious Harry Potter and Six of Crows. Another one that I surprised myself by thinking of was Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. This isn't one of my favorite books, it isn't even my favorite book written by Sarah Dessen. It was just one I ended up reading a lot during the school year when I wanted to feel like I could take a break to the beach, and it was available for me to virtually check out from the library.

6. Shelf - "Decor" Book
You know those books near the register at Barnes & Noble, most of them with quotes and pictures, or short sayings, not really any sort of narrative? I always found those fun, and have bought many as gifts for others. There are two of those that I have kept out on my shelf for a while, and page through them every so often. Belle's Library foreword written by Linda Woolverton is a "collection of literary quotes and inspirational musings". I love pulling it out when I want some inspiration from one of my favorite characters. And the other is The World According to Mr. Roger's: Important Things to Remember, foreword written by Joanne Rogers. Whenever I think of Mr. Roger's I instantly feel safe and at home, and the small book allows me to carry that around with me.