'Beautiful' is too gentle a word for what she is.
I decided to make a combination review for the first two books in the Three Dark Crowns series by Kendare Blake (Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne). I had similar thoughts and feelings for them both.

I had been looking forward to reading the first in this series for a while, and finally got the chance this summer. Overall, it was quite disappointing. While the synopsis introduces the "battle" for the crown between the three sister queens, the year of Ascension does not begin until the very end of the first book. I found myself waiting for a competition that I wasn't going to get to, and left disappointed. I actually wasn't even going to read the second book until the twist ending.
My biggest issue with One Dark Throne was how many questions I had. Perhaps I just missed things in my disinterest in the first book but it was so difficult to concentrate on the story when I couldn't stop thinking "but WHY is this happening?" Character relationships seemed to build and fall abruptly, and plot lines came out of n0where. Even in the first book, although it didn't take away from the story as much, I want to know more about the history of the island and how everything came to be done the way it is!
Now for some things I did like. I appreciated the dark edge to these books. Some truly morbid things happened, but soft-hearted as I am, I was still able to stomach it as they were woven in subtly. The team of Jules and Camden could save a much worse book than this, they are absolute angels. And the development of Mirabella across the two books worked really well. I went from pretty solidly disliking her, to her being one of my favorites. I also really liked the dynamic of the gifts and low magic. It was a magic system unique to me and I thought was very well done. And finally, as mentioned above, the twist ending of the first book saved it for me (although it did get a bit foggier in the second book).
The bonds between characters was probably one of the most well-done aspects of this series. From the love and loyalty of the Milone family, to the rigid discipline of the Arrons, the way all of the characters interact and interplay with each other added a wonderful depth to the events.
If I stuck for something new, or fall into possession somehow of the third book, I would probably read it. But I don't think I will be seeking it out anytime soon. An interesting read, and I am sure there are many whom the series is better suited for, but not very noteworthy to me personally.
Now they wonder if there is more to her than meets the eye. If there is something that they missed.